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The Hamilton & District Baseball Association is hosting this year’s
umpire clinic. For anyone wishing to umpire this year, we require you to attend the clinic. Certification will take comprise of two components.
Online Umpire Learning Course: THis course is comprised of a series of independent learning modules. You can work through the modules at your own pace. Total time to complete the online component is two hours and should be done before the umpire camp.
Umpire Development Camp: This four hour instructional camp will teach you the basics of umpiring.
Registration for the umpire camp can be found here: Umpire Clinic.
You will register under the HDBA clinic (U22-28) and please include your home association when filling out the form. Once registrations are approved, you will receive the link to the course (it may take a couple of weeks).
There are some changes to the 2024 certification which you can find here
For umpires that are 18 years and older there are a few other requirements in order to activate your certification which you can find here
More information on becoming an umpire can be found on the Baseball Ontario website.